What is the aim of the Environmentally Sensitive Areas course?
To enhance the understanding of the potential impacts on protected, conserved and environmentally sensitive areas from oil & gas operations, and the management approaches that can support a positive relationship between oil & gas development and social and environmental objectives in and around these areas.
What are the learning objectives of the course?
Participants are expected to:
- Increase awareness of the need to manage the impacts of oil & gas development in areas of biodiversity value (including protected, conserved and environmentally sensitive areas) to ensure their values are maintained or enhanced;
- Understand spatial planning approaches to avoid or mitigate impacts from oil & gas development;
- Learn about industry best practice on project-level impact mitigation, drawing on case study examples and guidance materials from leading organizations;
- Establish how to integrate biodiversity management best practice approaches into country-level environmental (and social) impact assessment processes.
Who is the target audience?
This course targets national and local government officials in the ministries of petroleum, environment, health, transport, and other related sectors. Learners will suffice with a basic knowledge of the oil & gas sector.
Resource materials
To access the full list of training resource materials on this topic, click here.