Presentation slides
- Module 1a: Overview and industry context
- Module 1b: Impacts and business case for mitigation
- Module 2a: Biodiversity considerations and the project level
- Module 2b: Biodiversity management in the oil & gas sector
- Module 3: Planning for oil & gas development
- Module 4: Mozambique case study
- Mozambique coastal ecosystem mapping presentation – PORTUGUESE
Video recordings
- Webinar: Upstream Oil & Gas in Environmentally Sensitive Areas (November 2019)
- Supplementary video playlist: Upstream Oil & Gas in Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Group exercises
- Instructions
Participant handbooks
Knowledge assessment questionnaire
Workshop reports
- Sample report: National-level Upstream Oil & Gas in Environmentally Sensitive Areas Course for the Government of Mozambique (October 2021)
- [PORTUGESE] Sample report: National-level Upstream Oil & Gas in Environmentally Sensitive Areas Course for the Government of Mozambique (October 2021)
Supplementary publications