Presentation slides
- Module 1: Overview of associated gas
- Module 2: Mitigating environmental and public health impacts of associated gas
- Module 3: Global best-practice for regulating associated gas
- Module 4: Norway’s approach to regulating associated gas
- [PORTUGUESE] Module translation guidebook for training on Managing Methane Emissions in the Upstream Oil & Gas Sector
Video recordings
- Part 1: Webinar on Environmental Considerations of Associated Gas Processing and Treatment (March 2022)
- Part 2: Webinar on Environmental Considerations of Associated Gas Processing and Treatment (March 2022)
- Part 3: Webinar on Environmental Considerations of Associated Gas Processing and Treatment (March 2022)
Group exercises
Knowledge assessment questionnaire
Workshop reports
- Sample report: Online Environmental Considerations of Associated Gas Processing and Treatment Webinar Series (March 2022)
- [PORTUGUESE] Sample report: National-level Methane Management in the Upstream Oil & Gas Sector Training for the Government of Mozambique (September 2023)
Supplementary publications