
Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – Geohazards Risk Assessment

This mission report describes a geohazards risk assessment on landslides in Honduras conducted by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) in cooperation with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) formerly called the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA).

Following heavy rains that resulted in flooding and landslides in Honduras in October 2008, the JEU prepared a hazard identification tool to highlight large infrastructure and industrial facilities in the affected area that could potentially have secondary impacts on human health and life. An UNDAC team was deployed in October-November. Following recommendations made by the UNDAC team, the Honduran authorities, through the UN Resident Coordinator, requested international assistance from the JEU. With support of the Swedish Rescue Services Agency, two experts were subsequently deployed to undertake a geohazard risk assessment. The mission was carried out in close cooperation with UNDP and the Honduran Permanent Commission for Contingencies. The medium and long-term recommendations were included in the mission reports and subsequently shared with the national authorities and the UN Resident Coordinator. The UN Resident Coordinator subsequently approached the JEU in February 2009 to assist with national capacity-building and other follow-up measures.

Consult the mission report here.

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