
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Policy Document

UNEP Governing Council Decision, session 26 (UNEP/GC.26/15)

This policy document describes the twenty-sixth session of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme, themed around environmental emergency response and preparedness.

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Mission Report,Tool

Environmental Emergencies Book – Learning from multilateral response to disasters

The Environmental Emergencies Book by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit compiles the lessons learnt from fifteen years of multilateral disaster responses.

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APELL Multi-Hazard Training Kit for Local Authorities

APELL multi-hazard training kit for local authorities for community vulnerability reduction, prevention, and preparedness.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – Geohazards Risk Assessment

A geohazards risk assessment report on landslides in Honduras conducted by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit in cooperation with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency.

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Training Material

First Triplex Simulation Exercice 2008 Report

This report describes the outcomes of the first TRIPLEX simulation exercise, which field tested the cooperation of key resources by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit.

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Hazard Identification User Guide tool (HIT)

User guide of the Hazard Identification Tool (HIT), a tool for desk research based identification of potential acute life-threatening environmental hazards.

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Case Study

Environmental action in response to the Peru Earthquake: an example of best practices

This document details the rapid environmental assessment (REA) and lessons learned from the international response to an earthquake in Peru in 2007.

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Policy Document

The Rosersberg Initiative (Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies)

The Rosersberg initiative, created by the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies, aims to improve the international environmental emergency response system.

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CARE International – Rapid Environmental Impact in Disasters Guidelines

These guidelines provide information on the Rapid Environmental Assessment tool, which is designed to identify, define, and prioritize potential environmental impacts in disaster situations…

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Report / Study

Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (SAGEE) Past Reports

These reports detail the previous meetings of the Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (SAGEE) since 1995.

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Policy Document

First report of the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies

This report details the first meeting of the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE), which created the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU).

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