
Report / Study

Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (SAGEE) Past Reports

These reports detail the previous meetings of the Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (SAGEE) since 1995.

The SAGEE serves as the principal advisory group to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and UN Environment on environmental emergencies and informs the development of policies related to environment and emergencies. The SAGEE reviews the work of the Joint Environment Unit of OCHA and UN Environment, providing independent high-level strategic direction and advice on issues related to the nexus between environment and emergencies. The SAGEE is composed of representatives of Member States and meets annually. The SAGEE was preceded by the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (AGEE), which was established in line with the mandate of the UN Environment Governing Council Decision (18/19)1 of 1995.

Consult the previous AGEE reports here.

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