
UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Aerial view of the Kingfisher development area near Lake Albert, Uganda   Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas can offer significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, without adequate environmental management, oil and gas operations can have lasting social and environmental… Read More

Environmental Guidance and Tools for Humanitarian Response

The UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) has developed and maintained various tools, guidance and resources to better integrate the environment into humanitarian response. To better understand the differences, best use cases and how they interact, we have prepared the following infographic.  … Read More

Environment Marker Sector Guidance

This guidance accompanies the Environment Marker, and aims at giving specific guidance on mitigation measures for activities in “B”-coded projects (medium environmental impact). It provides additional sector-specific guidance, using the example of Sudan. Read More

Disaster Waste Management Guidelines (DWMG) Online

Welcome to the online edition of the Disaster Waste Management (DWM) Guidelines. This section contains the relevant tools and general information for those who plan to deploy on disaster waste management missions and those dealing with disaster waste management. We recommend reading the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines… Read More

Witnessing the Environmental Impacts of War: Environmental Case Studies From Conflict Zones Around the World

There is an inextricable link between the protection of the environment and the protection of civilians across in the armed conflict-affected areas. This publication explains the breadth and complexity of conflict-linked environmental harm. The case studies presented outline why attention to the environment in relation to armed conflicts is necessary. From illegal forestry in post-conflict Colombia to the scenes of wanton agricultural destruction in Iraq, the conflict-induced governance gaps leave not only civilians but the environment directly in harm’s way. Ongoing environmental risks from fighting in industrialised areas in Ukraine and Syria illustrate the toxic legacies of warfare.

Click here to download the report.

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Gender, Climate & Security

The impact of Climate Change has already increased the insecurity of vulnerable communities in serval regions across the globe, including exacerbating the loss of livelihoods, food insecurity, competition over scarce resources, human mobility and political and economic instability. Read More

Mapping the Green Economy: A Case of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Brazil

This latest report on Green Jobs maps the green economy in Brazil, supporting the development of strategies that UNHCR can adopt to further the labour integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the country. The study aims at quantifying and locating green jobs in Brazil, understanding the labour situation Read More

Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste

The UNEP division of Technology, Industry and Economics International Environmental Technology Centre has written a compendium which outlines the process of technology selection in the health-care sector based on UNEP's Sustainable Assessment of Technologies (SAT) methodology. Read More

E-Waste: Batteries disposal

The global battery market is estimated at USD 120 billion per year. 800,000 tonnes of automotive batteries, 190,000 tonnes of industrial batteries, and 160,000 tonnes of consumer batteries enter the European Union yearly. Proper disposal of batteries is essential because they contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and nickel Read More

E-Waste: Light bulbs and lamps

Lighting is defined as all the equipment whose primary function is to provide electric light.The global lighting market was valued at around USD 73 billion in 2011 and it is expected to exceed USD 100 billion by 2020.
However, most lights contain valuable and toxic metals that may leach into soils/waterways and take up space if disposed of in landfills. Read More


The term E-waste covers items of all types of electrical and electronic equipment and its parts that have been discarded by the owner as waste without the intention of reuse. This diverse and fast growing E-waste stream is often categorized as hazardous waste due to the presence of toxic metals, such as mercury and lead, and other hazardous substances. Read More

Managing solid waste: Sector-specific guidelines for the Red Cross Red Crescent

Developed as part of the RCRC Green Response initiative, these guidelines provide practical, sector specific information on how to better manage solid waste to improve emergency response operations. Key concepts and best practices in solid waste management are presented, Read More

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