
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.


UNDP – Guidance Note on Debris Management

The focus of the UNDP Guidance Note on debris management is to provide urgent post-crisis and post-disaster assistance. It offers practical advice to UNDP Country Offices on how to plan, design and implement short-term projects that effectively connects governments and communities in the process of assessment, clearance, recycling and management…

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UNDP – Guidance Note on Municipal Solid Waste Management in Crisis and Post-Crisis Settings

The UNDP Guidance noteƂ forms part of a series of UNDP's signature products that aims to respond and support early recovery in immediate crisis and post-crisis contexts with practical advice and guidance to UNDP Country Offices. The objective is to provide guidance on how to plan, design and implement projects…

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On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) Guidelines

The On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) is a rapid response tool that provides a platform for the coordination of international response activities in a sudden onset emergency. The guidelines provide details on the set-up of an OSOCC and an associated environmental emergency cell.

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Quantifying Sustainability in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters (QSAND)

QSAND is a self-assessment tool to promote and inform sustainable approaches to relief, recovery and reconstruction after a natural disaster.

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Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) – Guidance and Templates

This guidance focuses on the preparation of the humanitarian needs overview…

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Report / Study

NRC: The Ecological Impact of Refugee/Returnee Programmes

An Norwegian Refugee Council evaluation report on the ecological impacts of refugee programs and actions taken to mitigate such impacts.

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Policy Document

UNHCR: Refugee Operations and Environmental Management

Guidance by UNHCR on environmental management during refugee operations.

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UN Development Group: Natural Resource Management in Transition Settings

UN Development Group Guidance on the roles that natural resources can play in peace consolidation. It provides practical guidance to assist in thinking through how natural resource management principles and practices can feed into transitional analysis and planning frameworks.

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Report / Study

Environment and Humanitarian Action: Increasing Effectiveness, Sustainability and Accountability

A study about the integration of environmental considerations in humanitarian action and recommended action to improve its effectiveness, accountability, and sustainability.

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Tool,Training Material

Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI)

The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) is a global partnership composed of 15 UN and non-UN organizations that works towards strengthening countries' capacities to prevent, manage and recover from the impact of disasters.

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Training Material

Green Recovery & Reconstruction Toolkit: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Aid (GRRT)

The GRRT is a toolkit and training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally responsible disaster response approaches.

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Training Material

Beyond Response: Better Preparedness for Environmental Emergencies

The course, available in Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Russian, provides an overview of the international environmental emergency response mechanisms and introduces the main actors and tools available for preparing for, and responding to, environmental emergencies.

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