
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.


Timber as a construction material in humanitarian operations

Guidance for using timber as a construction material in humanitarian response.

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Aligning Budgets for Implementing Environmental Compliance Safeguards in USAID Development Food Assistance Programs

The toolkit provides advice on developing and refining budgets to ensure that environmental compliance requirements are identified early in project design and incorporated throughout the project cycle. The toolkit guides users in identifying resources required, integrating environmental planning with project budgets, and ensuring transparency of budgets.

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Sphere Handbook Shelter Standards

The Sphere Minimum Standards for shelter and settlements are a practical expression of the right to shelter in humanitarian contexts. The standards are grounded in the beliefs, principles, duties and rights declared in the Humanitarian Charter. These include the right to life with dignity, the right to protection and security,…

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Green building material selection and use guide

Practical guidelines for environmentally responsible selection, sourcing, use and disposal of construction material.

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Global Shelter Cluster: Identifying Critical Environmental Considerations in Shelter Site Selection, Construction, Management and Decommissioning

This checklist provides emergency shelter project managers a means to quickly assess shelter-related environmental impacts and identify practical actions to address these impacts.

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Shelter Sector Environmental Guidelines

This document focuses on housing reconstruction after natural hazard events that must be carried out in highly difficult circumstances and there are expectations to be operational very quickly. Its purpose is (1) to convey the full range of environmental and environmental health issues associated with housing construction, and (2) to…

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Camp Coordination and Camp Management Toolkit: Chapter on Environment

For detailed guidance on environmentally sustainable settlement and camp management see the Camp Management Toolkit, Chapter 6 on Environment.

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Communication Material

Environment tip sheet emergency shelter – Sudan

Sudan Crisis…

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Case Study

IFRC, Shelter Country Profiles

IFRC Green Response Project that aims at developing country profiles with a summary of the main environmental issues of concern for shelter and settlements practitioners, that can be used for preparedness or contextualised for informing sustainable response.

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Policy Document

Sphere Handbook Food Security Standards

The Sphere Minimum Standards for food security and nutrition are a practical expression of the right to adequate food in humanitarian contexts. The standards are grounded in the beliefs, principles, duties and rights declared in the Humanitarian Charter, including the rights to life with dignity, protection, security, and the right…

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Policy Document

Global Food Security Cluster website

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is about enhancing cooperation and partnerships. The FSC works directly with its partners and stakeholders that include NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UN organizations, Governments and Donors. The FSC was formally endorsed by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) on the 15…

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Checklist for integrating energy in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Builds on experiences with the implementation of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) and SAFE-related projects to guide the Cluster Coordination team and partners on how to integrate energy in all phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Steps are outlined for each of the HPC.

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