
UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas offers significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, oil & gas exploitation can also pose significant risks, from major accidents as well as from routine operations that cause serious environmental damage. Without adequate safeguards… Read More

Environment Marker Sector Guidance

This guidance accompanies the Environment Marker, and aims at giving specific guidance on mitigation measures for activities in “B”-coded projects (medium environmental impact). It provides additional sector-specific guidance, using the example of Sudan. Read More

Disaster Waste Management Guidelines (DWMG) Online

Welcome to the online edition of the Disaster Waste Management (DWM) Guidelines. This section contains the relevant tools and general information for those who plan to deploy on disaster waste management missions and those dealing with disaster waste management. We recommend reading the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines… Read More

Scaling Up Disaster Risk Reduction In Humanitarian Action: Recommendations for the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

The guidance was developed through a consultative process under the leadership of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) in collaboration with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The guidance draws particularly on experience from protracted settings. Read More

Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste

The UNEP division of Technology, Industry and Economics International Environmental Technology Centre has written a compendium which outlines the process of technology selection in the health-care sector based on UNEP's Sustainable Assessment of Technologies (SAT) methodology. Read More

Managing solid waste: Sector-specific guidelines for the Red Cross Red Crescent

Developed as part of the RCRC Green Response initiative, these guidelines provide practical, sector specific information on how to better manage solid waste to improve emergency response operations. Key concepts and best practices in solid waste management are presented, Read More

UNEP Flexible Framework: chemical accidents prevention and preparedness programme

These two documents from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)Â provides guidance for governments seeking to develop, review or strengthen their national chemical accidents prevention and preparedness programme.

UNEP is leading an international initiative to promote chemical accident prevention and preparedness. The initiative focuses on the development and implementation of a Flexible Framework for Chemical Accident Prevention and a Flexible Framework for Addressing Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness. Both offering guidance for governments wanting to develop, review or strengthen their national chemical accidents prevention and preparedness programme.

UNEP informs that almost every country experiences chemical accidents each year, occurring both at small facilities such as pesticide warehouses and large installations such as refineries, at public facilities (including water treatment plants using chlorine or private manufacturing facilities for the chemical, pharmaceutical, and consumer products industries), in urban settings and industrial parks or in rural areas where there might be mining operations or refrigeration facilities.

Find more information about the guidance on Flexible Framework for Chemical Accident Prevention and the brochure on Flexible Framework for Addressing Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness on the Environmental Emergencies Centre (EEC) here

Download the brochure here and the guidance here


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Environmental Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Interventions

This report presents the key findings, good practices and recommendations of a study conducted by a group of LSE researchers, commissioned by the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) together with the Global Shelter Cluster ECoP. Read More

Safe management of wastes from health-care activities

This document highlights the key aspects of safe health-care waste management to guide policy-makers, practitioners and facility managers to provide services in health-care facilities. It is based on the comprehensive and detailed WHO handbook Safe management of wastes from health-care activities. Read More

Overview of technologies for the treatment of infectious and sharp waste from health care facilities

This study, conducted in 2019 by WHO, looks at safe health care waste management, including segregation, collection, transport, treatment and waste disposal and understands that it is fundamental to wider efforts to provide quality and safe health care. Read More

USAID – Sector Environmental Guidelines: Healthcare Waste – Full Technical Update, 2019

Healthcare Waste - within the Sector Environmental Guidelines (SEGs) prepared for USAID under the Agency's Global Environmental Management Support (GEMS and GEMS-II) Program and Environmental Compliance Support (ECOS) Contract. Read More

Guidelines for Environmental Assessment Following Chemical Emergencies

Guidance document by the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit to assist the disseminating of information amongst the international community and identifying the exact type of international assistance required. Read More

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