
UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas offers significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, oil & gas exploitation can also pose significant risks, from major accidents as well as from routine operations that cause serious environmental damage. Without adequate safeguards… Read More

EmPowering Africa’s Most Vulnerable – Access to solar energy in complex crises

Access to reliable energy is a pre-requisite to enable growth and progress for any individual, community or nation.
This report, co-authored by Boston Consulting Group, highlights the immediate need to address the widening energy access gap impacting vulnerable populations in Sub-Saharan Africa. Read More

Mapping the Green Economy: A Case of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in Brazil

This latest report on Green Jobs maps the green economy in Brazil, supporting the development of strategies that UNHCR can adopt to further the labour integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the country. The study aims at quantifying and locating green jobs in Brazil, understanding the labour situation Read More

Scaling Up Disaster Risk Reduction In Humanitarian Action: Recommendations for the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

The guidance was developed through a consultative process under the leadership of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) in collaboration with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The guidance draws particularly on experience from protracted settings. Read More

Colombia NEAT+ Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations, November 2019

Environmental Situation Analysis, Preparedness
The purpose of the mission was to highlight key areas of environmental risk in UNHCR's programming in the CAI and neighbouring Chichituy host community while applying and promoting the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+). Read More

Lessons Learned Bulletin on Pandemic Measures and Chemical Process Safety

This factsheet is a special issue from the Lessons Learned Bulletin (LLB) and intends to raise awareness of risks associated with shutdown and startup of industrial sites where dangerous substances are present. Read More

Remote Sensing for Risk Analyses in Fragile Contexts

This study, conducted in 2020, sheds light on a variety of potentials and pitfalls of remote sensing for disaster risk analyses in fragile contexts. This topic gains importance in light of the need to formulate more systemic and better-integrated approaches to risk-informed development. Evidence-based policy recommendations encourage organizational learning and action such as resource pooling, project evaluation and multi-stakeholder cooperation.

The research reveals cutting-edge practical experiences from a dozen in-depth expert interviews, including the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit and UN-SPIDER, the aerospace community NASA, DLR and Maxar, the German development agency GIZ and civil protection authority BBK. Supported by an extensive body of interdisciplinary literature, this work offers a contribution to understanding ambiguous feedback effects of digital technologies in dynamic environments.

The study is available in English only. Read More

Myanmar – NEAT+ Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations, October 2019

This report presents the results of an environmental scoping mission using the Nexus Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT+) Hpa An Township, Kayin State in Southeast Myanmar. Read More

The Migration-Environment Nexus: the situation in Northwest Uganda

The thesis of this report, is that refugees inevitably place strain on natural resources and ecosystems. The core humanitarian sectors of water and health depend upon healthy, functioning ecosystems, they argue. And taking measures, such as catchment-based planning for water, as early as possible can make a vast difference to the well-being of populations. Read More

Bidibidi Refugee Settlement: Environmental Scoping Report and Recommendations

The Bidibidi Refugee Settlement is located in the West Nile Area of Uganda, and is home to over 270,000 South Sudanese refugees -- the second largest refugee settlement in the world. Read More

World Agroforestry: Restoring Natural Capital Through Tree-Based Interventions to Deduce Social Tensions in Humanitarian Settings

This document published by World Agroforestry details its initiative in Northern Uganda landscapes. The initiative focused on identifying potential tree-based approaches to protecting and restoring the ecoystem and assessing the enablers for fast-tracking ecosystem restoration in Rhino Camp and Imvepi settlements. Read More

FAO – Rapid Assessment of Natural Resources Degradation in Areas Impacted by the South Sudan Refugee Influx in Northern Uganda

A technical report on the rapid diagnostic assessment of land and natural resources degradation in Uganda undertaken by the FAO in collaboration with the Ugandan Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) in 2018. Read More

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