
UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas offers significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, oil & gas exploitation can also pose significant risks, from major accidents as well as from routine operations that cause serious environmental damage. Without adequate safeguards… Read More

Disaster Waste Management Guidelines (DWMG) Online

Welcome to the online edition of the Disaster Waste Management (DWM) Guidelines. This section contains the relevant tools and general information for those who plan to deploy on disaster waste management missions and those dealing with disaster waste management. We recommend reading the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines… Read More

Witnessing the Environmental Impacts of War: Environmental Case Studies From Conflict Zones Around the World

There is an inextricable link between the protection of the environment and the protection of civilians across in the armed conflict-affected areas. This publication explains the breadth and complexity of conflict-linked environmental harm. The case studies presented outline why attention to the environment in relation to armed conflicts is necessary. From illegal forestry in post-conflict Colombia to the scenes of wanton agricultural destruction in Iraq, the conflict-induced governance gaps leave not only civilians but the environment directly in harm’s way. Ongoing environmental risks from fighting in industrialised areas in Ukraine and Syria illustrate the toxic legacies of warfare.

Click here to download the report.

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Faecal Sludge Management in Africa

The research paper, "Faecal Sludge Management in Africa: Socio-economic aspects, human and environmental health implications", aims to explore how current trends in faecal sludge management are impacting human and environmental health in Africa (both sub-Saharan and Northern Africa). Read More

The Environmental Impact of Cash and Voucher Assistance

Cash and voucher Assistance (CVA) has been used widely in humanitarian programs. Like all types of humanitarian operations, CVA can have environmental impacts. This includes but not limited to soil pollutions, an increase in CO2 emission, etc. Read More

Gender, Climate & Security Report 2020

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) together with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), theUnited Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) have conducted a study on Gender, Climate and Security. The report looks at Climate Change as the ultimate "threat multiplier"'; as it threats peace and security-building in the 21st century. Read More

Gender, Climate & Security

The impact of Climate Change has already increased the insecurity of vulnerable communities in serval regions across the globe, including exacerbating the loss of livelihoods, food insecurity, competition over scarce resources, human mobility and political and economic instability. Read More

EmPowering Africa’s Most Vulnerable – Access to solar energy in complex crises

Access to reliable energy is a pre-requisite to enable growth and progress for any individual, community or nation.
This report, co-authored by Boston Consulting Group, highlights the immediate need to address the widening energy access gap impacting vulnerable populations in Sub-Saharan Africa. Read More

Sustainability in Humanitarian Supply Chain – A Preliminary Scoping of Improvements in Packaging

This preliminary scoping study, led by USAID's BHA in collaboration with a technical advisory group of humanitarian assistance stakeholders, is based on consultations with forty-seven organizations across the humanitarian, environmental, academic, and private sectors and provides a preliminary analysis of the environmental risks and challenges related to humanitarian packaging, Read More

UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit – Environmental Emergencies Centre Online Learning Factsheet

This factsheet provides an overview of the five different eLearning modules on the environmental dimensions of disaster prevention, preparedness and response, hosted by the Environmental Emergencies Learning Centre.The courses aim to minimize the human and environmental harm caused by environmental emergencies through strengthened skills and knowledge. Read More

Clusters and COVID-19 page

Browse through the COVID-19-Cluster's page to find the latest updates and relevant information about how the Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19 impacts clusters. Find links to the general global updates on COVID-19, guidelines linked to the clusters, protection guidelines, webinars, among others. Read More

UNEP Flexible Framework: chemical accidents prevention and preparedness programme

These two documents from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)Â provides guidance for governments seeking to develop, review or strengthen their national chemical accidents prevention and preparedness programme.

UNEP is leading an international initiative to promote chemical accident prevention and preparedness. The initiative focuses on the development and implementation of a Flexible Framework for Chemical Accident Prevention and a Flexible Framework for Addressing Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness. Both offering guidance for governments wanting to develop, review or strengthen their national chemical accidents prevention and preparedness programme.

UNEP informs that almost every country experiences chemical accidents each year, occurring both at small facilities such as pesticide warehouses and large installations such as refineries, at public facilities (including water treatment plants using chlorine or private manufacturing facilities for the chemical, pharmaceutical, and consumer products industries), in urban settings and industrial parks or in rural areas where there might be mining operations or refrigeration facilities.

Find more information about the guidance on Flexible Framework for Chemical Accident Prevention and the brochure on Flexible Framework for Addressing Chemical Accident Prevention and Preparedness on the Environmental Emergencies Centre (EEC) here

Download the brochure here and the guidance here


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