
UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Aerial view of the Kingfisher development area near Lake Albert, Uganda   Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas can offer significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, without adequate environmental management, oil and gas operations can have lasting social and environmental… Read More

Environmental Guidance and Tools for Humanitarian Response

The UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) has developed and maintained various tools, guidance and resources to better integrate the environment into humanitarian response. To better understand the differences, best use cases and how they interact, we have prepared the following infographic.  … Read More

Harmful Impacts of Mining

“Minerals and metals play a central role in the global economy and mining is an important source of economic development in many countries. However, the harmful effects of mining remain a challenge for society to acknowledge and address.” (RMF, 2021: 4) The new report from the Responsible Mining Foundation… Read More

Environment Marker Sector Guidance

This guidance accompanies the Environment Marker, and aims at giving specific guidance on mitigation measures for activities in “B”-coded projects (medium environmental impact). It provides additional sector-specific guidance, using the example of Sudan. Read More

Disaster Waste Management Guidelines (DWMG) Online

Welcome to the online edition of the Disaster Waste Management (DWM) Guidelines. This section contains the relevant tools and general information for those who plan to deploy on disaster waste management missions and those dealing with disaster waste management. We recommend reading the Disaster Waste Management Guidelines… Read More

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