
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.


UN Environment: Natural Resources and Conflict – A Guide for Mediation Practitioners

This guide collects and summarizes good practices on the successful mediation of resource conflicts. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts, specifically those with natural resource expertise.

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Policy Document

OCHA: Understanding the Climate-Conflict Nexus from a Humanitarian Perspective

This occasional policy paper aims to improve the humanitarian sector’s understanding of the nexus between climate change and violent conflict.

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Policy Document

OCHA: Climate Change and Humanitarian Action: Emerging Trends and Challenges

OCHA Occasional Policy Brief on climate change and humanitarian action…

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Case Study

UN Environment Technical Note – Environmental Issues in Areas Retaken from ISIL

A technical note from a rapid scoping mission assessing the environmental issues in areas retaken from ISIL in Iraq.

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Case Study

PAX – Scorched Earth and Charred Lives

A report by PAX for Peace regarding Syria۪s oil industry, the rise of makeshift oil refining and the issues arising from these practices.

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Case Study

PAX – Amidst the debris; A study on the environmental and public health impact of Syria’s conflict

A case study of the disastrous environmental and public health impacts due to the ongoing conflict in Syria.

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Case Study

UN Environment – Côte d’Ivoire: Post-Conflict Environmental Assessment

A post-conflict environmental assessment of C̫te d۪Ivoire, describing the conditions of the environmental sectors that have been impacted.

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Small Arms Survey Handbook – Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites (UEMS)

The Small Arms Survey Handbook is a reference and training tool providing contextual information on Unplanned Explosions at Munitions Sites (UEMS).

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2004 Sudan Darfur Protracted Crisis

This mission report describes the environmental assessments of experts deployed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit during conflict in Sudan.

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