
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Case Study

Afghanistan Environment and Humanitarian Action country study

The Afghanistan Environment and Humanitarian Action (EHA) country-level study is one in a series of studies undertaken by the JEU in 2015 that assesses the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action. This study provides guidance and advice to humanitarian actors on how to improve environmental…

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Case Study

Nepal Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study

Nepal Earthquake…

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Case Study

Haiti Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study

The Environment and Humanitarian Action (EHA) Haiti country study is one in a series of country-level studies that assess the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action. In April 2015, JEU supported by Groupe URD to undertook a mission to Haiti to look at environmental mainstreaming…

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Knowledge Point is an online Q&A forum providing fast and accessible technical expertise for humanitarian and development workers worldwide. By providing organized groups KnowledgePoint gives users with common interests - such as working for the same organisations or project - a private, customization space to share knowledge.

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Report / Study

Disasters Emergency Committee – Environmental Impact Scoping: the environmental impact of humanitarian action

This report published by the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) highlights the results of its environmental impact scoping. The report was prepared as a scoping exercise for DEC members in order to highlight possible areas for further research among the membership. It summarizes the key tools, mechanisms and initiatives aimed at…

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The Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) tools provided by the UNOCHA is a coordinated series of actions undertaken to help prepare and deliver humanitarian response.

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UNEP – Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessment (ISEA) Guidance Note

The UN Environment Guidance note on Integrated Strategic Environmental Assessments in Post-Crisis Countries provides information on how to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in sustainable reconstruction and development planning. It provides practical guidance on how to manage the process of assembling data.

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Case Study

WWF – Cluster Tip Sheets

Case studies of the Hariyo Ban Programs in Nepal, designed to build resilience to climate change in communities and ecosystems by restoring and conserving Nepal's forest. The studies, conducted by the WWF,demonstrates how the projects have been implemented after disasters…

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On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) Guidelines

The On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) is a rapid response tool that provides a platform for the coordination of international response activities in a sudden onset emergency. The guidelines provide details on the set-up of an OSOCC and an associated environmental emergency cell.

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Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) – Guidance and Templates

This guidance focuses on the preparation of the humanitarian needs overview…

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Report / Study

UNEP: From Conflict to Peacebuilding – The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment

This UNEP report discusses the key linkages between environment, conflict and peacebuilding, and provides recommendations on how these can be addressed more effectively by the international community…

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Toxic Remnants of War Network

The Toxic Remnants of War Network is a civil society network working to reduce the humanitarian and environmental impact of pollution from conflict and military activities.

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