
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.


IUCN Environment and Disasters

A collection of resources and guidance on ecosystems, livelihoods, and dissater risk reduction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)…

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IASC Guidance on the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC)

This reference module by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) provides an overview of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC), including what needs to be done, when and by whom, to enable managers to allocate staff and tasks, sequence decisions and planning, and identify priorities.

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Communication Material

UNHCR – Environment, Disasters and Climate Change

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) website on environment, disasters and climate change, including the 2015 report on UNHCR, the Environment & Climate Change.

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Communication Material

NRC website on Disaster and Climate Change

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) website on climate change and disasters…

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UNEP: Key Things to Know About Environment as “Cross Cutting” Issue in Early Recovery

This brief UN Environment note provides an overview of key environmental considerations for early recovery actors, including a short cluster-specific checklist.

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Communication Material

Ten tips how humanitarians can protect the environment

On World Humanitarian Day 2018, UN Environment published an overview of key environmental considerations for humanitarian action.

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Communication Material

UNDP Climate and Disaster Resilience

A collection of resources on disaster and climate risk reduction by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)…

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Report / Study

European Commission, Public Risk Perception and Environmental Policy

This brief published by the European Commission examines how the differences in perception between the public and the experts should be accounted for in risk management practices.

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Training Material

UN / Groupe URD Training Toolkit on Humanitarian Crisis and Environmental Impacts

This UN Environment Programme / Groupe URD training toolkit is designed to assist humanitarian actors with the integration of environmental considerations into their policy development, planning, programme design and operational activities.

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Report / Study

DFID: Mainstreaming the Environment into Humanitarian Response: An Exploration of Opportunities and Issues

This paper prepared by Environmental Resources Management Limited for DFID explores the opportunities and issues associated with mainstreaming the environment into humanitarian response activities.

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Policy Document

Terms of Reference (ToR) Disaster Waste Management Expert

The Terms of Reference for Disaster Waste Management Experts describe the key responsibilities and required background and skills of disaster waste management experts deployed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit during emergency response missions.

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United Nations Disaster Assessment Coordination (UNDAC) Field Handbook 7th version 2018

An easily accessible reference guide for members of an UNDAC team to use before and during a mission to a disaster or emergency.

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