
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.


WHO Fact Sheets on Environmental Sanitation

A WHO compilation of fact sheets and mitigating processes for water, sanitation, and hygiene education.

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Report / Study

WaterAid: How does WASH help build resilience to climate change?

A WaterAid briefing note explaining why improved WASH services are central to any climate change adaptation strategy…

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Communication Material

UNICEF: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and Environment

An explanation of the links between WASH and Environment by UNICEF…

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WASH Alliance: Environmental Sustainability in WASH

A collection of environmental sustainability tools by the WASH Alliance…

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Report / Study

ACF WASH & Environment Position Paper

A paper on environmental preservation, protection and recovery in WASH programs…

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UN Environment Resource Centre – WASH

A collection of different resources on WASH and environment…

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Policy Document

The Sphere Handbook

The Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized tools for the delivery of the quality humanitarian response…

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A cloud solution for mapping and monitoring the sustainable use of natural resources.

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The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)

The Multi-cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) is a joint needs assessment tool that provides a process for collecting and analyzing information on affected people and their needs to inform strategic response planning.

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The Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating (FRAME) Toolkit

The FRAME Toolkit is a Framework for Assessing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Environment in Refugee-Related Operations…

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ECLAC Handbook for Estimating the Socio-economic and Environmental Effects of Disasters

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean manual is a tool for identifying and quantifying damages from a disaster, through a uniform methodology. It also provides the elements necessary to identify those social, economic and environmental and geographical regions that have been more concerned and that…

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UNEP Environmental Needs Assessment in Post-Disaster Situations: A Practical Guide for Implementation

This guidance outlines a post-emergency environmental needs assessment method in order to fully integrate environmental needs within early recovery programming.

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