
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.


Checklist for integrating energy in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Builds on experiences with the implementation of Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) and SAFE-related projects to guide the Cluster Coordination team and partners on how to integrate energy in all phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Steps are outlined for each of the HPC.

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Communication Material

FAO: Food Security and the Environment

Key facts on the links between food security and the environment by FAO.

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Communication Material

Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL) tip sheet

Sudan Crisis…

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USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Livestock

This guideline will help identify potential adverse environmental impacts of use of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, and other livestock and suggest mitigation and monitoring options, as well as “best management practices,” to address them.

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Logistics Operational Guide – Green Logistics guidance

The guide introduces logisticians to green logistics, encouraging them to think in "green" terms and highlighting the challenges and advantages. The site provides guidance on environmental best practice for the logistics cluster.

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Report / Study

Sustainable Logistics – Best Practices from the Global Compact

The document summarizes best sustainable logistics practices from the ten largest logistics companies and from other transportation businesses that have committed to the Global Compact principles.

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Training Material

Green Guide to Materials and the Supply Chain

This training module is concerned with construction materials and procurement. It describes how to use fewer materials, how to use local sources of materials in a sustainable way, and the use of disaster debris and recycled items as building material.

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Policy Document

Sphere Handbook Health Standards

The Sphere Minimum Standards for Healthcare are a practical expression of the right to healthcare in humanitarian contexts. The standards are grounded in the beliefs, principles, duties and rights declared in the Humanitarian Charter, including the right to life with dignity, protection, security, and the right to receive humanitarian assistance…

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Report / Study

Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide

The guide is targeted to emergency planners and environmental technical staff working in a disaster context. It provides detailed guidance on environmental health activities in the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery stages of an emergency.

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WHO: Health response to technological incidents

This WHO page gathers guidance concerning the public health response to technological incidents, e.g. chemical accidents and accidents related to the transport of hazardous goods.

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USAID sector environmental guidelines: Healthcare waste

The guidelines outline the typical environmental impacts of healthcare waste and provides options on how to mitigate or prevent these.

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Visual Field Guide: Healthcare waste

Quick identification of serious environmental concerns in small-scale sanitation activities.

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