Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.
UNESCO Guidance on using Education for Sustainable Development to promote achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs’). The environment is especially addressed under SDG 15, from p. 40.
Learn MoreThe INEE Toolkit contains a wide variety of practical, field-friendly tools and resources to guide educationalists, humanitarian workers and government officials working in the field of education in emergencies through to recovery.
Learn MoreA USAID repository of resources on education for children and youth in crisis and conflict-affected environments.
Learn MoreThe Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) published resources and guidance for implementing the three Comprehensive School Safety Framework pillars (Safe Learning Facilities, School Disaster Management, and Risk Reduction and Resilience Education)…
Learn MoreA UNESCO compilation of good practices on integrating biodiversity in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)…
Learn MoreA UNESCO compilation of good practices on integrating climate change in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)…
Learn MoreWASH Cluster Homepage…
Learn MoreThe Terms of Reference for Disaster Waste Management Experts describe the key responsibilities and required background and skills of disaster waste management experts deployed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit during emergency response missions.
Learn MoreAn easily accessible reference guide for members of an UNDAC team to use before and during a mission to a disaster or emergency.
Learn MoreThis project aims to develop agroforestry models for tree products to meet the growing energy, construction and food needs of Ugandan refugees and locals.
Learn MoreReport by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit which explores how the expansion of cash-based humanitarian responses introduces new opportunities and issues in the interaction between humanitarianism and environment.
Learn MoreChatham House report on the assessment of energy use by humanitarian organizations and aid operations.
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