
UNEP-Norway Partnership Training Resource Library for Reducing Pollution Risks Associated with the Energy Sector

Finding substantial reserves of oil and natural gas offers significant opportunities for the social, economic and political development of any country. However, oil & gas exploitation can also pose significant risks, from major accidents as well as from routine operations that cause serious environmental damage. Without adequate safeguards… Read More

Managing solid waste: Sector-specific guidelines for the Red Cross Red Crescent

Developed as part of the RCRC Green Response initiative, these guidelines provide practical, sector specific information on how to better manage solid waste to improve emergency response operations. Key concepts and best practices in solid waste management are presented, Read More

Environmental Mainstreaming in Humanitarian Interventions

This report presents the key findings, good practices and recommendations of a study conducted by a group of LSE researchers, commissioned by the UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU) together with the Global Shelter Cluster ECoP. Read More

Model Approach to Environmental and Social Standards in UN Programming

Robust social and environmental standards and related accountability mechanisms are increasingly applied as best practice in a broad range of international programming and investments for sustainable development. In practical terms such standards aim to ensure that development and humanitarian actors are held to the principles they proclaim, Read More

World Agroforestry: Restoring Natural Capital Through Tree-Based Interventions to Deduce Social Tensions in Humanitarian Settings

This document published by World Agroforestry details its initiative in Northern Uganda landscapes. The initiative focused on identifying potential tree-based approaches to protecting and restoring the ecoystem and assessing the enablers for fast-tracking ecosystem restoration in Rhino Camp and Imvepi settlements. Read More

Reducing Environmental Impacts of Vector Control Chemicals in Emergencies

Disasters can create environments in which vectors can increase dramatically and spread diseases. However, the chemicals most commonly used to dispose of these vectors can damage the environment and health. This paper provides guidance on how to create post-disaster sanitary efforts that remove the amount of vectors. Read More

Moving Energy Initiative

The Moving Energy Initiative is an initiative which seeks to integrate clean energy in displacement settings with the help of original research. The Initiative provides reports and tool kits which details the costs, risks and benefits of various energy systems when organizing cooking, power and future sustainability in refugee camps. Read More

Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) – Adopting a Market-based Approach to Boost Energy Access in Displaced Contexts

This report issued by the Moving Energy Initiative (ME) provides information on aid agencies and the risk of undermining market systems if they do not consider established markets in their planning. In worst-case scenarios, inadequate planning can weaken a population's access to basic goods, services and income-generating opportunities. Read More

Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) – Infrastructure Management Contracts: Improving Energy Asset Management in Displacement Settings

This paper highlights a number of options for managing electricity infrastructure in refugee camps. It outlines the challenges, opportunities and operational implications associated with them using the Kalobeyei settlement in Kenya as a case study. Read More

Moving Energy Initiative, Powering Ahead – Improving how we use and account for energy in humanitarian operations

This toolkit published by the Moving Energy Initiative is a practical guide for humanitarian agencies that want to make energy cost savings and reduce their carbon and emissions footprint. It is part of a series of published outputs examining how energy is used in humanitarian settings. It is designed to accompany our research paper 'The Costs of Fuelling Humanitarian Aid' Read More


The Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) tools provided by the UNOCHA is a coordinated series of actions undertaken to help prepare and deliver humanitarian response. Read More

Chathamhouse – The Moving Energy Initiative (MEI)

The Moving Energy Initiative (MEI) provided by the Chathamhouse offers guidance on energy in humanitarian operations. This toolkit provides practical guide for humanitarian agencies that want to make energy cost savings and reduce their carbon and emissions footprint. Read More

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