
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) – Hazardous Waste Management in Tajikistan

Mission report concerning construction and hazardous waste management training and support in Tajikistan.

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Disaster Waste Management Guidelines

These guidelines were developed with the aim of supporting the full cycle of disaster waste management, from risk reduction and contingency planning through to emergency planning response following a disaster or conflict.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2012 Congo Munitions Depot Explosion

This mission report details the response deployment to the Congo Brazzaville munitions depot explosion.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – Disaster Waste Management Assessment, Ghana

This mission report describes a rapid disaster waste management assessment undertaken by a team of experts following flash flooding in Ghana in 2011.

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Mission Report

UNDAC Environmental Assessment Mission – Pakistan Floods

A rapid environmental assessment mission report conducted by UNDAC following the Pakistan Floods in 2010.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2008 Turks and Caicos Islands Tropical storm

This mission report describes the environmental assessment conducted following Hurricane Ike in the Turks and Caicos Islands…

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2005 Pakistan Earthquake

This mission report describes the rapid environmental assessment conducted by experts deployed to Pakistan following an earthquake in 2005.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

This mission report describes the rapid environmental assessments by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit following the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004.

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