This document published by World Agroforestry details its initiative in Northern Uganda landscapes. The initiative focused on identifying potential tree-based approaches to protecting and restoring the ecoystem and assessing the enablers for fast-tracking ecosystem restoration in Rhino Camp and Imvepi settlements. Read More
A rapid environmental screening tool for humanitarian contexts, which allows humanitarian actors to quickly identify issues of environmental concern before designing longer term emergency or recovery interventions. Read More
The thesis of this report, is that refugees inevitably place strain on natural resources and ecosystems. The core humanitarian sectors of water and health depend upon healthy, functioning ecosystems, they argue. And taking measures, such as catchment-based planning for water, as early as possible can make a vast difference to the well-being of populations. Read More
Northwest Uganda, examines the quantity and composition of biomass in the two refugee settlements and the buffer zone around them. It is based on an inventory that counted and identified every seedling and sapling and all standing trees on 234 circular plots and recorded their diameter at breast height (DBH), bole height, total height and crown diameter. Read More
This latest report on Green Jobs maps the green economy in Brazil, supporting the development of strategies that UNHCR can adopt to further the labour integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in the country. The study aims at quantifying and locating green jobs in Brazil, understanding the labour situation Read More
This guidance accompanies the Environment Marker, and aims at giving specific guidance on mitigation measures for activities in “B”-coded projects (medium environmental impact). It provides additional sector-specific guidance, using the example of Sudan. Read More
“Minerals and metals play a central role in the global economy and mining is an important source of economic development in many countries. However, the harmful effects of mining remain a challenge for society to acknowledge and address.” (RMF, 2021: 4) The new report from the Responsible Mining Foundation… Read More