
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Case Study

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Environmental Considerations

This document links key environmental considerations to WASH projects and provides guidance for good environmental management throughout the project cycle.

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Mission Report

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: experts assess environmental impacts of Rohingya influx

Mission report by the Ministry of Environment and Forest of Bangladesh on the environmental impacts of the refugee influx in Bangladesh.

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Report / Study

The Sidelined Cross-Cutting Issue: Mainstreaming Environment into the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster

A masters thesis examining the the current state of environmental mainstreaming in humanitarian assistance with the aim to identify the main barriers hindering the systematic integration of environmental concerns.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2016 Haiti Hurricane Matthew

This mission report describes the finding of an environmental expert in Haiti, who was deployed to assess water contamination in 2016 following Hurricane Mathew.

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Mission Report

UNDAC Landslide Advisory Visit in Serbia – June 2014

A mission report by the British Geological Survey covering the Cyclone Tamara, which hit northern-central Serbia between 13-18 May in 2014.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – Mozambique floods

A mission report on the environmental impacts assessed as part of overall needs assessment following the Mozambique floods in 2013.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2008 Zanzibar Power Outage Zanzibar

This mission report describes a deployment by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint unit following a power outage in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2007 Mongolia Water Pollution

This mission report describes the findings of two experts deployed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) in Mongolia following a sodium cyanide chemical spill.

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Mission Report

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit Mission Report – 2007 Madagascar Cyclone Indiala

This mission report describes the Hazard Identification (HIT) tool developed by experts during their deployment to Madagascar as a response to Cyclone Indiala.

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