
PAX – Scorched Earth and Charred Lives

A report by PAX for Peace regarding Syria۪s oil industry, the rise of makeshift oil refining and the issues arising from these practices. Read More

Addendum to the OECD Guiding Principles on Natech Risk Management

The second addendum to the OECD Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response, which outlines considerations for natural-hazard triggered technological accidents. Read More

UNECE – Environmental Performance Review – Georgia

The third Environmental Performance Review of Georgia, conducted in 2016 by UNECE. Read More

Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study – Afghanistan

A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Afghanistan. Read More

Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study – Nepal

A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Nepal. Read More

Environment and Humanitarian Action Country Study – Haiti

A case study providing analysis and assessment of the extent to which environmental concerns have been mainstreamed in humanitarian action in Haiti. Read More

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) Missions in 2016 – Fact Sheet

Infographic presenting the response missions conducted by the JEU in 2016. Read More

IAEA Safety Standard: Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency

This safety requirements publications by IAEA aims to strengthen preparedness and response for nuclear or radiological emergencies. Read More

OECD research paper – Ageing of Hazardous Installations

A OECD Working Group on Chemical Accidents (WGCA) report on the risks and challenges related to the ageing of hazardous installations. Read More

PAX – Amidst the debris; A study on the environmental and public health impact of Syria’s conflict

A case study of the disastrous environmental and public health impacts due to the ongoing conflict in Syria. Read More

OCHA – Myanmar Initial Flood Response Plan; August to December 2015

The 2015 Myanmar's Initial Flood Response Plan by OCHA, which called for $75.5 million to cover the needs of over 580,000 people in six regions that were affected by floods in summer of 2015. Read More

UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit (JEU) – Hazardous Waste Management in Tajikistan

Mission report concerning construction and hazardous waste management training and support in Tajikistan. Read More

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