
International support tools / services for wildfire emergency response

The preparedness and response tools for wildland fires made available by the Global Fire Monitoring Center. Read More

The Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT) 2.0

The Flash Environmental Assessment Tool (FEAT) is a tool which helps identify existing or potential acute environmental impacts that pose risks for humans, human life-support functions and ecosystems, following sudden-onset natural disasters. Read More

Moving Energy Initiative – The Costs of Fuelling Humanitarian Aid

Chatham House report on the assessment of energy use by humanitarian organizations and aid operations. Read More

FAO Technical Guidelines for the implementation of the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide management

The guidance advises on the implementation of specific aspects of the Code of Conduct concerning pesticides. Specific guidelines on pesticide use, application, prevention and disposal are available. Read More

USAID Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for Phosphone Fumigation of Stored Agricultural Commodity

The Fumigation PEA establishes a clear approach to manage health and environmental risks for actors that plan to undertake phosphine fumigation in a warehouse setting. Read More

USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Pest Management I: Integrated Pest Management

The document provides guidance on integrated pest management, an approach which encourages natural and cultural control of pest populations by anticipating and managing pest problems, while permitting safer pesticide uses where justified and permitted. Read More

USAID Sector Environmental Guidelines: Pest Management II: Safer Pesticide Use

The document provides guidance on maximizing the safety of pesticide use when such use is unavoidable. Before analyzing the risks and benefits of pesticide use all reasonable Integrated Pest Management alternatives must be analyzed. Read More

Gender-based violence and environment

This UN Environment graphic overview highlights the links between gender-based violence and environment Read More

Operational Guidelines and Field Manual on Human Rights Protection in Situations of Natural Disaster

These guidelines help people in the field to understand the human rights dimensions of their work in disaster response while giving them practical examples and operational steps about how some of these seemingly abstract concepts may be implemented. Read More

IASC Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Natural Disasters

The IASC Guidelines promote a rights-based approach in situations of natural disasters by laying out operational guidelines for humanitarian responders Read More

Protection in Natural Disasters

The Brookings Bern Project on Internal Displacement paper discusses differences and similarities in the protection of people affected by natural disasters and by conflict, delineates some of the obstacles to effective protection, and describes a framework for protection response, the Inter Agency Standing Committee's Operational Guidelines on Human Rights in Natural Disasters. Read More

WEDO: Gender and Biodiversity

Women's Environment and Development Organization study on the relationship between Gender and Biodiversity, also relevant for protection cluster Read More

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