
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Policy Document

Terms of Reference (ToR) Disaster Waste Management Expert

The Terms of Reference for Disaster Waste Management Experts describe the key responsibilities and required background and skills of disaster waste management experts deployed by the UN Environment/OCHA Joint Unit during emergency response missions.

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OECD Report: Guidance on Change of Ownership in Hazardous Facilities

A concise document providing a framework to assist stakeholders to identify, understand and minimise the risks before, during and after a change of ownership at a hazardous facility.

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United Nations Disaster Assessment Coordination (UNDAC) Field Handbook 7th version 2018

An easily accessible reference guide for members of an UNDAC team to use before and during a mission to a disaster or emergency.

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WHO – Chemical Releases Caused by Natural Hazard Events and Disasters

Guidelines and information to planners in the health sector and to public health authorities seeking to learn more about chemical releases resulting from natural hazard events.

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Global Wildland Fire Information System

An online repository on fire management information run by the Global Fire Monitoring Centre. It provides policy advising & formulation services and offers information for high-level political activities.

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Regional Wildland Fire Networks (Global Wildland Fire Network)

16 regional networks which allow actors to share knowledge, expertise and resources regarding wildfire management.

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Global Wildland Fire Early Warning System

Global Fire Monitoring Center provides an Early Warning System to identify critical time periods of extreme fire danger. This warning system enables communities to prevent and mitigate the dangers of wildland fires before they occur.

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Establishment and services of Regional Fire Management Resource Centers

Regional centers run by the Global Fire Monitoring Center, which provides capacity building services and advisory support to hosting countries.

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National Round Tables on Fire Management

Planning instrument for fire management at national level offered by the Global Fire Monitoring Center and the Regional Wildland Fire Networks.

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Participatory (community-based) Fire Management

Guidelines and a portal by the Global Fire Monitoring Center which aims to integrate community-level action into wildfire preparedness, prevention & response.

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Biodiversity and protected areas during wildland fires

Tools provided by the Global Fire Monitoring Center which aim to build the capacity of actors to conserve biodiversity and protected areas during wildfires.

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International and Regional Advisory Services For Fire Management

International and regional advisory services provided by the Global Fire Monitoring Centre and the Global Wildland Fire Network, which offer thematic support for international bodies to devise, design and implement fire management programmes.

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