
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Report / Study

WaterAid: How does WASH help build resilience to climate change?

A WaterAid briefing note explaining why improved WASH services are central to any climate change adaptation strategy…

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Health & Environment Tools for Effective Decision-Making: The WHO-UNEP Health and Environment Linkages Initiative (HELI)

The Health and Environment Linkages Initiative (HELI) is a global effort by WHO and UN Environment to promote and facilitate action in developing countries to reduce environmental threats to human health, in support of sustainable development objectives.

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Evidence on Demand, Mainstreaming Environment and Climate Change into Humanitarian Action

This study, published by Evidence on Demand provides an overview of the key reasons that environmental and climate change issues are relevant in the context of humanitarian action.

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The Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI)

The Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) uses multiple smart indicators to estimate the vulnerability of the environment of a country to future shocks.

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Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL)

CRiSTAL is a project-planning tool that helps users design activities that support climate adaptation at the community level.

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Policy Document

OCHA: Understanding the Climate-Conflict Nexus from a Humanitarian Perspective

This occasional policy paper aims to improve the humanitarian sector’s understanding of the nexus between climate change and violent conflict.

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USAID: Climate Risk Management

Resouces and guidance on USAID's Climate Risk Management (CRM) approach…

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Case Study

Regional & Country Risk Profiles and GHG Emissions Fact Sheets

Climate risk profiles summarize key climate stressors and risks most relevant to a mission's objectives. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions fact sheets provide information that may be useful in identifying climate change mitigation opportunities.

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Policy Document

OCHA: Climate Change and Humanitarian Action: Emerging Trends and Challenges

OCHA Occasional Policy Brief on climate change and humanitarian action…

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Case Study

UN Environment – Case Study of the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp; Tanzania

A collaborative study on the true cost of using traditional fuels in a humanitarian setting, using a case study of the Nyarugusu refugee camp in Tanzania.

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Mission Report

UNDAC – Environmental Expert Support Mission – Peru 2017

Mission Report from UNDAC Environmental Expert Support Mission following a flooding emergency in Peru in 2017.

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MOOC – Online Course on Disasters and Ecosystems

This massive online course aims to enhance knowledge on tackling complex issues such as resilience, transformation, sustainable development, ecosystem management, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

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