
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.

Report / Study

UN, Opportunities in Environmental Management for Disaster Risk Reduction

This paper published by UN Environment and UNISDR provides an initial introduction of gateways for disaster risk reduction into environmental management and to reviews the application of environmental management tools and approaches for reducing disaster risk.

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IASC/European Commission, The Index for Risk Management (InfoRM)

The Index for Risk Management (InfoRM) published by the European Commission and the Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) is a composite indicator that identifies the countries at a high risk of humanitarian crisis that are more likely to require international assistance. Core indicators have been chosen to respond to changes in…

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UNISDR Guidance Note on Environmental Assessment

This guidance note provides guidance in analyzing the disaster risk-related consequences of potential projects via their impact on the environment and also the potential threat to projects posed by natural hazard…

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Report / Study

UN Environment, Environment and Disaster Risk: Emerging Perspectives

This discussion paper by UN Environment addresses the complexity of risk between environment and human societies.

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Report / Study

IUCN, Ecosystems, Livelihoods and Disasters: An Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Management

This publication by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) outlines the role of ecosystems in the reduction of natural hazard and disaster risk.

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Report / Study

UN, Environment and Humanitarian Action in the Age of Global Reform Agendas

This summary is based on previous studies and work conducted by the UN Environment / OCHA Joint Unit and its partners related to integrating environment in humanitarian action. It outlines major humanitarian trends that will shape the future integration of environmental considerations in humanitarian action.

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Report / Study

Evidence on Demand, Mainstreaming Environment into Humanitarian Interventions A Synopsis of Key Organizations, Literature and Experience

This study published by Evidence on Demand reviews a selection of materials on the environment and humanitarian interventions, including disasters and conflict. It considers various actors in the field of environment and humanitarian response, as well as existing knowledge development for managing environmental concerns during humanitarian interventions…

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Training Material

Green Recovery & Reconstruction Toolkit: Training Toolkit for Humanitarian Aid (GRRT)

The GRRT is a toolkit and training program designed to increase awareness and knowledge of environmentally responsible disaster response approaches.

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Report / Study

Environmental Legislation on Disaster Risk Management

Guidance on legal and policy framework from across the world along with special reference to the Indian legal framework and disaster management guidelines…

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Environment in Emergency Response Preparedness

Environment in Emergency Response Preparedness outlines the minimum and advanced environmental preparedness actions that can be taken as part of overall Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP), and follows the Inter-Agency Standing Committee guidance on ERP.

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Case Study

IFRC, Shelter Country Profiles

IFRC Green Response Project that aims at developing country profiles with a summary of the main environmental issues of concern for shelter and settlements practitioners, that can be used for preparedness or contextualised for informing sustainable response.

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Policy Document

Global Food Security Cluster website

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) is about enhancing cooperation and partnerships. The FSC works directly with its partners and stakeholders that include NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UN organizations, Governments and Donors. The FSC was formally endorsed by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) on the 15…

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