
The Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration

The Knowledge Hub on Health and Migration is a joint effort committed to building expertise on the public health aspects of migration and making information in this area widely available. The Hub provides tool kits, training materials, reports and schooling to better prepare for the health needs which arise during large-scale migration events. Read More

Flood Resilience Portal

The Flood Resilience Portal is a tool which provides open access to resources to build resiliency to floods. It issues reviews of past responses and provides community-specific flood resilience measurements. Read More


Knowledge Point is an online Q&A forum providing fast and accessible technical expertise for humanitarian and development workers worldwide. By providing organized groups KnowledgePoint gives users with common interests - such as working for the same organisations or project - a private, customization space to share knowledge. Read More

UN Environment: Quick guides on how humanitarian action can minimize environmental impacts

The 'Quick guides' contain key guidance on environmental issues relevant to six sectors of Food Security and Agriculture Sector, Basic Needs Sector, Health Sector, Education Sector, Protection Sector and Livelihood Sector of humanitarian response to population displacement. They underscore the opportunities to minimize negative environmental impacts during humanitarian action. Read More

Pax for Peace – Conflict & Environment

PAX works to document the environmental impact of new and ongoing conflicts, and to build better responses in order to reduce threats to public health and environmental risks for civilians. Read More

Toxic Remnants of War Network

The Toxic Remnants of War Network is a civil society network working to reduce the humanitarian and environmental impact of pollution from conflict and military activities. Read More

Groupe URD

Groupe URD is an independent institute which specializes in the analysis of practices and the development of policy for the humanitarian and post-crisis sectors. Their work includes guidance on cross-cutting issues such as aid quality, the environment, disaster risk reduction and more. Read More

NRC website on Disaster and Climate Change

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) website on climate change and disasters Read More

Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Minimum Standards Handbook

The INEE Minimum Standards Handbook is the only global tool that articulates the minimum level of educational quality and access in emergencies through to recovery. The environment is addressed throughout the publication. Read More

USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network Repository

A USAID repository of resources on education for children and youth in crisis and conflict-affected environments. Read More

GADRRRES: List of Resources for DRR in the Education Sector

The Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES) published resources and guidance for implementing the three Comprehensive School Safety Framework pillars (Safe Learning Facilities, School Disaster Management, and Risk Reduction and Resilience Education) Read More

UNESCO: Education for Sustainable Development: Good Practices in Addressing Biodiversity

A UNESCO compilation of good practices on integrating biodiversity in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Read More

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