
UNHCR – Environment, Disasters and Climate Change

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) website on environment, disasters and climate change, including the 2015 report on UNHCR, the Environment & Climate Change. Read More

NRC website on Disaster and Climate Change

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) website on climate change and disasters Read More

UNEP: Key Things to Know About Environment as “Cross Cutting” Issue in Early Recovery

This brief UN Environment note provides an overview of key environmental considerations for early recovery actors, including a short cluster-specific checklist. Read More

UNEP/UNISDR: Reducing Risk Through Environment in Recovery Operations

This case study examines the integration of environment in disaster recovery in Myanmar and Bangladesh. Read More

UNCBD Voluntary guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction

UN Convention on Biodiversity comprehensive guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, including opportunities for the humanitarian sector Read More

Ten tips how humanitarians can protect the environment

On World Humanitarian Day 2018, UN Environment published an overview of key environmental considerations for humanitarian action. Read More

UNDP Climate and Disaster Resilience

A collection of resources on disaster and climate risk reduction by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Read More

UN Habitat: SHERPA for Sustainable Housing Projects

UN Habitat SHERPA is an easy to use self-evaluation tool for actors involved in the planning, design, construction and assessment of housing projects. SHERPA assesses housing projects, helping to improve sustainability across site selection, the design process, as well as the life cycle and recyclability of building materials used. Read More

IUCN: Integrating Environmental Safeguards into Flood Relief, Response and Recovery

Guidance on the integration of environmental safeguards into flood response and recovery by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Read More

European Commission, Public Risk Perception and Environmental Policy

This brief published by the European Commission examines how the differences in perception between the public and the experts should be accounted for in risk management practices. Read More

UNHCR Environmental Guidelines

Key environmental considerations in UNHCR's operations Read More

UN / Groupe URD Training Toolkit on Humanitarian Crisis and Environmental Impacts

This UN Environment Programme / Groupe URD training toolkit is designed to assist humanitarian actors with the integration of environmental considerations into their policy development, planning, programme design and operational activities. Read More

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