Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.
Browse our library of resources and tools for environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. Find links to reports, policy documents, tools, guidance documents and communication materials.
This UN Environment graphic overview highlights the links between gender-based violence and environment…
Learn MoreThese guidelines help people in the field to understand the human rights dimensions of their work in disaster response while giving them practical examples and operational steps about how some of these seemingly abstract concepts may be implemented.
Learn MoreThe IASC Guidelines promote a rights-based approach in situations of natural disasters by laying out operational guidelines for humanitarian responders…
Learn MoreThe Brookings Bern Project on Internal Displacement paper discusses differences and similarities in the protection of people affected by natural disasters and by conflict, delineates some of the obstacles to effective protection, and describes a framework for protection response, the Inter Agency Standing Committee's Operational Guidelines on Human Rights in…
Learn MoreWomen's Environment and Development Organization study on the relationship between Gender and Biodiversity, also relevant for protection cluster…
Learn MoreHow UNHCR covers Age, Gender and Diversity. Provides valuable follow up information on topics indirectly related to environmental factors.
Learn MoreThe Rohingya Humanitarian Crises highlights the close link between protection and environmental factors. The chapter on protection calls for protection planning that takes into account environmental factors.
Learn MoreThis background paper published by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) highlights the need for integrating disaster risk reduction (DRR) in environmental initiatives and policies. It promotes the synergies between DRR, land use planning, natural resource management and climate change adaptation.
Learn MoreThis guide collects and summarizes good practices on the successful mediation of resource conflicts. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts, specifically those with natural resource expertise.
Learn MoreClimate risk profiles summarize key climate stressors and risks most relevant to a mission's objectives. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions fact sheets provide information that may be useful in identifying climate change mitigation opportunities.
Learn MoreResouces and guidance on USAID's Climate Risk Management (CRM) approach…
Learn MoreThis occasional policy paper aims to improve the humanitarian sector’s understanding of the nexus between climate change and violent conflict.
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